Home > Areas of Law > Contempt of Court
A process for compelling individuals and companies to comply with court orders or face a fine or prison. Adam is one of the few litigators and advocates that has a specialism in both prosecuting or defending contempt before the Courts. This is a specialist area of law, requires a wide knowledge of the civil law, as well as the specialism of contempt law.
PROSECUTEProsecution of cases will only be successful if the case is prepared in a proper and meaningful manner, from considering the order properly, through to drafting of the application, and proving beyond all reasonable doubt the breach of the order.
DEFENDDefence of an application for contempt is an exceptionally complex issue. One where the highest stakes are at play. Adam will ensure that you receive the highest level of service, and access to legal aid, provided by the Legal Aid Agency.
HOW TOAdam has provided a short guide on how to proceed on a contempt matter. Ranging from how to obtain legal aid through to the process, from both a prosecutor, defence and judges view. The guide is not advice, nor to be quoted from before the courts.
Adam is a specialist solicitor and advocate in this area, with many years of experience as a supervisor in this area. Scott-Moncrieff, offer legal aid for those that qualify, private funding at reasonable rates for those that can afford, and other forms of funding where appropriate.