The Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber will be closed on the following dates:
Friday 24th December 2021 Monday 27th December 2021 Tuesday 28th December 2021 Monday 3rd January 2022 Between Wednesday 29th and Friday 31st December the office will operate on skeleton staffing. OUT OF HOURS SERVICE If you wish to lodge an urgent application for immediate interim relief during this period, this will need to be made to a duty Judge of the Queen’s Bench Division (acting as a Judge of the Upper Tribunal) to consider. To speak to a member of staff for the out of hours service, please ring 020 7947 6260 (RCJ Security Desk).
CE-File case management system (CMS) will be transitioning into the Judicial Review, Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber. It is due to go live from the 17 January 2022.
The introduction of the CMS will allow staff and judiciary in these locations to issue and manage cases electronically, moving away from the current FHINS system. CE-File will remove the need for a paper case file, when mandated for professional users or when a litigant in person chooses to use the external E-Filing service. The case numbers will change from the current format JR/1234/2021 to the new E-Filing format JR-2021-000001 • Scheduling of online training webinars for legal professionals leading up to go-live will be advertised on the Reform GOV.Uk site (, HMCTS social media channels and the HMCTS stakeholder weekly bulletin • The current available GOV.UK guidance to support users: & • Access to all the previous E-Filing training recordings and a recording will be made for the UTIAC specific training to be hosted here: CE File Training Sessions - YouTube The CE-Filling system, has had a mixed response in other areas, with there still being a tendency for some judges to need to be emailed the papers in addition to them being filled. We will need to wait and see how the Tribunal deal with case preparation and whether emailing the bundles, and or hard copies will become a thing of the past. |
AuthorAdam is a solicitor advocate, and regularly appears in the High Court and Court of Appeal dealing with some of the most complex and interesting cases. Archives
May 2024